Tariquet basket
  • Tariquet basket

Tariquet basket

Tariquet basket

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Tariquet basket

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Tariquet basket

Tariquet basket

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We deliver your gift anywhere in Belgium, France or Luxembourg.

Packages are usually shipped within 2 to 5 days after receipt of payment. Orders placed on a working day before 12 noon can be delivered the next working day in Belgium. In the case of France or Luxembourg, it is better to take into account a period of five working days.

Do you have a problem with your gift? You can always return your order within 14 days of receipt. Contact us at contact@okybox.com and we will help you with the practical processes. For items in their original condition and packaging, we refund the total purchase amount, including original shipping costs. Return costs are your responsibility. Some products are exceptions. You will certainly understand that you can not return any perishable or personalized product.


  • 1 Fine Terrine with Armagnac 100 g
  • 1 Late Harvest Vineyard Terrine 100 g

Around the Foie Gras:

  • 1 Block of Duck Foie Gras (Bocal Twist Off) 130 g
  • 1 Confit of Red Onion with Spices 40 g
  • 1 White Wine AOC Côtes de Gascogne Domaine de Tariquet "Cuvée Classic" 2018 Owner Harvesting 75 cl


  • 1 Bag of Homemade Shortbread Pear Bergamot 7 x 10 g
  • 1 Bag of Chocolate and Cocoa Truffles 100 g

1 Cardboard case "Fine Grocery" (39.5 x 19.5 x 12.5 cm)






